
Monday, July 23, 2012

Road ID

Many months ago I was browsing the web and found out that Road ID had a new band out. I wasn't a big fan of the Sport, since it rocked the cloth band, and the Elite since it was a little out of my price range. Their new band, the Wrist ID Slim, looks like those Livestrong bracelets. It can be worn when training or not training while not screaming out "Hey, look at me, I'm a triathlete!".

One of the main reasons why I bought a Road ID is that the bulk of my training is done alone, with the exception of the swim. Having no family here on the island and no roommates, technically, no one would notice if I went missing for a few days. I'd hate to end up like those people on the news that can't be  identified because they have no ID on them.

The metal band is interchangeable and contains contact #'s. 

Rear view of metal band. It can be removed for cleaning. 

 Road ID on my wrist. Not too tight but not too lose.

The Road ID bands come in different colors and sizes. I suggest getting a few as extra in case the band breaks or gets cut. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. It doesn't get itchy on my wrist, band color can be changed if needed and most of all, it puts my mind at ease when I'm out training alone.

Also, don't forget, to make a time prediction for the visor giveaway. 

Here's some funny vids from Road ID. 


I train alone a lot so I also use the road id. i have the "sport" model. I bought it before they came out with the bands.

hummm... I normally carry my iphone with me.

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