
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Honu 70.3 Nutrition

Thought I'd share my nutrition for race day. It may work for you or it may not. I strongly recommend trying different things while training instead of experimenting on race day.

Breakfast  - 2hrs prior to race start

1C quick organic oatmeal - 307 calories, 5mg sodium, 11g protein 
Gu Brew -  100 calories, 250mg sodium, 8g sugar

Total - 407caloriesm 255mg sodium, 11g protein, 8g sugar

Bike - Every 10min, approx 22oz per hr

Custom Infinit Drink Mix (x3 bottles)  - 1 serving - 243 calories, 379mg sodium, 110mg potassium, 59g carbohydrates, 15g sugar, 2g protein.

Total - 729 calories, 1137mg sodium, 330mg potassium, 177g carbohydrate, 45g sugar, 6g protein

Run - Hammer gel at start, Gu Roctane at miles 6 and 9, Perform at each aid station, Clif Shot Bloks when felt a cramp was coming on

Hammer gel (x1)- 90 calories, 21g carbohydrates, 2g sugar, 25mg sodium, 25mg potassium
Roctane Ultra Endurance Gel (x2) - 100 calories, 25g carbohydrates, 5g sugar, 125mg sodium, 55mg potassium, 1220mg Roctaine Amino Blend, 480mg Orthanine Alphaketoglutarate, 35mg caffeine
Clif Shot Bloks (3 pieces per serving) (6 pieces)  - 100 calories, 24g carbohydrates, 12g sugar, 70mg sodium, 20mg potassium.
Ironman Perform (1/2 filled cups, 4oz?, 10 aid stations) - 70 calories, 17g carbohydrates, 10g sugar, 190mg sodium, 10mg potassium

Total -   From gels and CB - 490 calories, 119g carbohydrates, 36g sugar, 415mg sodium, 175mg potassium, 70mg caffeine, 1220mg Roctaine Amino Blend, 480mg Orthanine Alphaketoglutarate.

Not sure on the info for the Perform, memory is a little fuzzy if I drank one at every station or not. 

Overall, I was pretty happy with my nutrition strategy, didn't experience any cramping on the bike like last year. I didn't have any GI issues while on the run so apparently the run strategy worked out well.


Thanks for sharing the info. I like to eat solid foods on the bike so I sometimes have fig newtons or a clif bar. Would that be difficult to do on a 70.3?

I've heard of people doing fig newtons during races. However, through experimentation, solid food and my stomach don't agree. Somewhere along mile 20 or so, it just wants to come back up. Not fun. Have some fun and see what works and what doesn't. Better now than during a race eh?

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