
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Swimming Part 3

Here's the third and final part of my swim ramblings. Swim gear. This is just my personal preference so what may work for me, may not work for you. As triathletes, we have all sorta gadgets ranging from super useful to just hilarious. As a swimmer, a few things are essential when training, goggles, swim suit, and a cap for the ladies. 


My personal preference is to use Swedish goggles. I've been using these since I was a little kid and absolutely love them. It's basically two goggle lens, a nose piece (paper clips can be used in a pinch) and a rubber strap. The rubber strap can be replaced with a silicone strap or bungee cord since the rubber tends to break down. 


I like to wear board shorts with a speedo/jammer under. Why?  I'm doing a swim workout, workouts should be hard. Why swim in speedos and make the workout easier? Shorts create drag, which makes it harder to swim, which makes you a stronger swimmer.


Foggy goggles suck. You can't see where you're going and you have to to defog them. Most of the time those expensive defogging solutions/wipes work for like 2min. Solution? Try baby shampoo. Just  dab a little in your goggles and rub till it's dry. However, the minute water gets in, you're screwed. 

Go ahead, give these things a shot. Let me know how it works for you. 

I don't have a Twitter account, but found these tweets by Swimmer Problems pretty funny.
"People always ask me if I listen to those mp3 players that you can swim with. what do they think I do? swim for fun? we don't use those."


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